Hey!I wish I could open this with “I hope you’ve had a fantastic year.” Given the state of the world right now, when so much of the world is in pain, it feels inauthentic to make that assumption.So as we look forward to 2024, my primary wish for you and everyone around you is more human connection. I believe the root of much of the pain we see in the world comes from not realizing the shared humanity we all have. The more we connect deeply with one another - and ourselves - the more hope our world has.Love you all -


You're at the right place at the right time doing the right thing. As is.

I hope you've had a fantastic year, and are heading into 2023 eager and optimistic. Looking at the world around us, it's very easy to feel the exact opposite.My biggest takeaway from the past year, and what I wish for you and me in this coming year, is this: Our world constantly drives us to think that we're not enough. We feel we need more things, more work, and more money to be happy.What if we recognized that wasn't true? What if we went into 2023 knowing we are everything we need? What if, no matter what, we had faith we were in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing? What if we discovered who we are, and loving that person is our most important work?
Hope this small token reminds you of this in the coming year.
Wishing you and your loved ones (even the ones you don't love as much) a happy, meaningful, 2023 and beyond.Love,

Some of my favorite thingsThe Cosmic Compass
The Cosmic Journal